Welcome to
Hand In Hand
A Jewish community resource to support Reconciliation

Welcome to Hand in Hand, a hub for Reconciliation initiatives involving Jewish and Aboriginal people in New South Wales. This website is based on Drs Anne and Lisa Sarzin’s 2010 book “Hand in Hand—Jewish and Indigenous Australians Working Together”.
Our mission is to document these Reconciliation efforts, inspire people to participate in them, and create more of them. Join us in fostering unity and understanding through meaningful Jewish and Aboriginal collaborations based on authentic relationships.
The story of the relationship between Jewish and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples begins in 1788 with Australia’s colonisation, and the arrival of Jewish convicts on the First Fleet. This website does not provide any comprehensive analysis of the intersections of these two unique cultures, but rather an opportunity to reflect, ask questions, and continue intercultural dialogue. The hope is that by sharing our lived experiences, we will walk together towards a brighter future.
We have included opportunities for involvement in Reconciliation work here if they are Jewish-Aboriginal collaborations based in NSW; if they were established or are supported by Jewish individuals or organisations; if members of the NSW Jewish community hold significant roles in them; and if they invite involvement.
We acknowledge the Pinshaw Family Foundation for making this website possible.
Walking Together
Discover the stories of Jewish and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians walking together today in NSW. Join us, hand in hand, as we walk towards a more harmonious and equitable future for all.

The joint efforts of the Australian Jewish and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are a testament to decades of remarkable collaboration between these distinct yet culturally rich groups. Despite differences, both peoples share profound experiences and understandings of persecution, marginalisation, dispossession, and resilience. Explore opportunities to extend the Reconciliation pathway through various initiatives, including arts and culture, education, justice and wellbeing.
National Jewish policy on Reconciliation is set by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), which is the elected national representative body of the Australian Jewish community. The ECAJ has a long and proud history of supporting the quest of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians for recognition, reconciliation and justice, stating in 2020, “We believe that the proposals put forward by the Uluru Statement from the Heart are just, reasonable and achievable. Bringing the Statement’s vision to fruition is important to all Australians. For Indigenous Australians, it would mean the vindication of the truth of their story and the beginning of justice. For all other Australians, it would mean, at long last, addressing the most important item of unfinished business in our national history.”

December 6 1938 is usually acknowledged as the date which marks the beginning of the public, mutually supportive relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Jewish Australians. Featured in this section are some of the key points along the historical journey Jewish and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have taken together. Explore the courageous acts of William Cooper, Jack Patten, and allies. Learn details of Faith & Hans Bandler and Emil & Hannah Witton’s impact on the 1967 Referendum, James Spigelman’s Freedom Ride, and Ron Castan’s Mabo Case.
Share your story?
If you wish to have your own collaboration or story featured on this website, kindly fill out the form and submit any content and images you’d like to share.
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